How Do Ultrarunners Eat Bacon at Aid Stations?
TLDR If you plan on running your event in zone 3 or above, use simple carbohydrates like gels, sports drinks, and Vert. Zone 2 and below, feel free to experiment...
How Much Vert/Carbs to Use During Exercise
TLDR: You need carbs when: A workout is longer than 1hr. It’s a “workout” not easy miles. For example: Intervals, Tempo, Threshold VO2 Max, Long Run/Ride. You’re in an intense...
First 6 Months Challenges and Accomplishments
It’s been an amazing first 6 months for Vert. Thousands of gel packets have been saved from landfill, and many standout performances have been fueled. Perhaps the most exciting thing...
How To Train Your Gut
We've all had our share of GI upset when running. Vomiting on those around me during one marathon was one of one moment of GI upset I won't forget in...
Do you need Magnesium or Potasium in a sports drink?
Athletes can loose up to to 2000mg sodium or 5grams of salt per litre of sweat which is why sodium is the main focus for athletes when they are fueling. ...